Substance Use
Recovery Is Possible
This program is designed to offer a higher level of care than traditional outpatient treatment while allowing clients to remain in the community, maintain independence, and continue with their daily lives.
- You are accepted for who you are;
- You are an equal partner in creating your personal recovery plan;
- Your treatment is based on the belief that recovery is possible.
Intensive Outpatient Therapy
Newport Mental Health provides recovery-oriented, evidenced-based, integrated group and individual treatment that supports individuals in developing long-term abstinence from dependent substances and improves their overall quality of life. The specific components will be individualized based on the identified needs and substances involved.
- Individual Counseling
- Peer Support
- Group Therapy
Integrated Health Home Program (IHH)
For adults with co-occurring mental health, substance use, and/or physical health conditions, IHH provides additional support. This team-based approach coordinates medical and behavioral health care and builds peer/family and social supports.
The IHH team includes a team leader, nurse care manager/RN, community supportive psychiatric treatment professional (CPST), case manager, and peer support specialist.

Who is this for?
Adults 21+
Quick Facts
- If you have questions, call (401) 846-1213
- Walk-in hours are 9am-2pm, Monday-Friday; no appointment needed for your first visit
- Help with transportation is available (401) 846-1213
- We accept most insurance and offer a sliding scale (including $0) if you are uninsured
Additional Support and Services
Clients in our programs receive additional support, care, and services as needed.
Adult Primary Care Services
Newport Mental Health coordinates with CODAC to provide primary care services to our clients with serious mental illness and/or serious substance use disorders. The primary care center is located at 65 Valley Road in Middletown.
Zero Suicide
Our healthcare providers are specially trained in administering an evidence-based screening tool, the Columbia Suicide Severity Rating Scale, at each contact with those we serve. Newport Mental Health providers initiate a Pathway to Safety for those individuals identified as at-risk, who are then given specialized suicide prevention treatment services and are closely monitored until their risk subsides. Ongoing follow-up is provided to reduce the reoccurrence of suicide risk.
Appointments with a clinician or prescriber can be arranged via telehealth. Private telehealth consultation rooms are available in our offices for those clients who do not have internet access or a computer.
Supportive Employment
Work and other meaningful activities are an integral part of recovery. Employment specialists use an evidence-based employment model called Individual Placement Services and Supports (IPS) to help clients find employment and then provide support both for the client and the employer.
Supportive Housing
Residential support staff assist our clients who live independently. Skills training is provided for budgeting and money management, household chores, shopping, cooking, and other areas needed to be successful in independent living.
Shelter Plus Care/Supportive Housing Program
This federally supported program allows Newport Mental Health to provide rental assistance for the unhoused with serious mental illness.
Housing Stabilization Services
A Medicaid-funded housing support service allows us to provide at-risk clients housing stabilization to prevent the loss of existing housing or to provide help finding affordable housing in the community. We coordinate with housing support staff at the Newport Housing Authority, McKinney Shelter/50 Washington Square Apartments, and senior housing developments in Newport County.
Representative Payee Service
Rep-Payee is offered to those clients who experience problems in managing their money. Newport Mental Health staff work closely with clients receiving Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) in establishing and maintaining a budget.